If you’re that Makeup Artist that does not have experience with varied
complexions, or a pro kit for global skin tones, ask yourself these
•Why is my kit ill-equipped for any/every skin tone?
•Why don’t I know how to work on any/every skin shade?
•Why have I never pursued including models of different ethnicities in my portfolio?
•Why have I never even thought that it is necessary for my skill set to include global skin tones?
•Do I know people of ranging ethnicities? Why not? Am I not exposed to diverse groups of people in my every day life?
•Is my initial reaction to this subject matter becoming defensive, getting uncomfortable, and making excuses?
•Where would I even go if I wanted to learn multi-ethnic skin?
•What would I do if I was confronted about being unprepared?
•Am I too comfortable with the fact that I rarely (if ever) encounter many people of color?
•Am I part of the problem?
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Friday, February 26, 2016
Brush Luxe!
💄🎨When I go on #makeup
brush binges, it's usually about my pro kit. I must have the best for
my clients...but these will never see a photography studio, TV sound
stage, fashion show tent, theater dressing room, or bridal dressing
suite - THESE BABIES ARE MINE! #MakeupArtist #Brushes www.jenniferjames-beauty.com
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Sunday, August 3, 2014
SKYPE Beauty Sessions with JENNIFER JAMES BEAUTY! (1on1 & MUA2MUA w/ models)

Need make up help? Wish to fine tune your skill set?
Presenting 1 on 1 or MUA to MUA (w/ models) Customized Makeup Lessons via SKYPE with
Jennifer James Beauty!
SKYPE BEAUTY SESSIONS are 75, 90 minutes, or a full 2 hours of tips, tricks, artistry concepts & product selection with a focus on time saving techniques customized to your specific beauty needs. SKYPE BEAUTY is for Consumers, Beauty Junkies & Makeup Artists alike. (Now in HD)
Click ADD TO CART above to get started! Then we schedule your email, or phone consultation to customize your session. We will go over specifics you would like to work on, product recommendations & your goals for the session. If you desire a phone consultation before committing, text Jennifer at 929.500.1079 to set that up! All questions are welcome.
Meanwhile: Send a contact request to SKYPE NAME JENJAMESBEAUTY
*All of the classes detailed at http://www.JenniferJamesBeauty.com can be customized as SKYPE sessions. To begin the consultation process before making a commitment. Send an email to jenjamesbeauty@gmail.com with a few details about yourself & what you may seek to gain from SKYPE Beauty!
Related blogs:
The MUA Q & A (Real questions from MUAs with real-world answers)
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Makeup Artists - Stay In Your Lane!
Ok, rant time!
MUAS, I’M OVER IT! First of all, STOP accepting gigs that you are not at all ready for. Secondly, STOP coming into Facebook groups/online forums with “oh woe is me”, because that gig turned out to be a complete disaster! Don’t try to blame the Stylist, Mother of the Bride, the Photographer, Director, President Obama, or anyone else for YOUR mistake! Whether skill set, managing logistics, contract details, kit supplies/preparedness etc., YOU ARE RESPONSIBLEwhen things don’t go well.
Many of the online communities that I mentioned above are replete with ANY/ALL of the information you need. In fact, I charge you with FELONY NEGLECT! Neglect of information and resources. Indeed, it would behoove you to strengthen your network of colleagues (ask questions/get help/hire knowledgeable assistants) so that you won’t subject yourself, OR A CLIENT to such unnecessary chaos!
If you get an offer that YOU KNOW you aren’t prepared to execute properly, be a true professional, decline the offer, pass it on OR bring in a colleague.
Reasons hiring an experienced colleague makes sense:
• Your professionalism is solidified
• They can offer you hands on expertise
• You learn and get experience at the same time
• Client is happy because the event/shoot was a success
• More business comes your way because you exemplified “team player”
• Your professionalism is solidified
• They can offer you hands on expertise
• You learn and get experience at the same time
• Client is happy because the event/shoot was a success
• More business comes your way because you exemplified “team player”
We all know that even with the most careful planning and forethought, things can go wrong. Still, we should equip ourselves as acutely as possible. MUAs, don’t be the inexperienced “driver speeding into traffic”! Be a smart student of our industry by doing your homework. Honor the legacy within our ranks by respecting those who have gone before us. They paid dues – WE MUST ALSO.
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Monday, June 9, 2014
Make Up Courses for Make Up Artists, NYC
Visit http://www.jenniferjames-beauty.com/classes to view Makeup Courses for Makeup Artists from Jennifer James Beauty. Now booking private sessions in the Greater NYC area!
Ph: 929.500.1079 | Email: jenniferjamesbeauty@gmail.com
Pin It Now!Saturday, June 7, 2014
Jennifer James Beauty's Philosophy...in tweets.
- Jennifer James Beauty Take what u already know.Study timeless,iconic images.Do step by step breakdown of possible technique.
Jennifer James Beauty The breakdown? Products. Tools. Aspects of #colortheory. Facial anatomy. Attention to detail.
Jennifer James Beauty Pinpoint what's different about your work & work you greatly admire. Look for what you're missing.
Jennifer James Beauty Figure out if your perception is in line w/ an established aesthetic or comfort zone of your skill.
Jennifer James Beauty Color Wheel. Memorize every word & concept printed on it & GET YOUR KIT & ACT THEM OUT!
Jennifer James Beauty See parallels EVERYWHERE! Corpse on CSI=facial anatomy. Fine Art Portraiture =highlights & contours.
Jennifer James Beauty Refine your technique to how mastery was achieved b4 primers, eye base & Photoshop were crutches.
Jennifer James Beauty Don't fear knowing & being judged on the difference between poor, mediocre, fair, good & excellent.
Jennifer James Beauty >With expertise<, go to your weak side first. Then match it using the strengths of your strong side.
Jennifer James Beauty Understand that the word ART in our title is something that bears responsibility to GLOBAL IDEALS.
Jennifer James Beauty If access to information has made you lazy - WAKE UP & STOP TAKING IT FOR GRANTED. #READ #Research
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery: Part 11 - We fingerpaint b4 we learn math, writing & science.Study artistry math, writing & science. #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery: Part 12 - Frame detailed stories 4 #makeup looks to encourage imagination & inspiration from within. #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery: Part 13 - Mistakes-what we shd use 2 figure out who we are within the craft. Face them.Analyze them. #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery: Part 14 - Bring innovation into your offerings. Observe your inspirations & add ur own contribution. #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery: Part 15 - The masters are masters b/c their expertise has a signature. What's ur artistry signature? #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery #17: TALENT is natural.SKILL is developed.BOTH can be fully realized w/ EDUCATION & HARD WORK. #MakeupMonday #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs: #GraspTheMastery, #18 - #Artistry rooted in the basics has been/is the most successful formula to follow. #MakeupMonday #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery #19: The beauty of skin is in it's texture & hue.Retain it's true essence w/ makeup. #SkinCareTuesday #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery #20: Skin reflects & shows shadows.In it's simplest sense, makeup imitates this. #SkinCareTuesday #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery #21: Ingredients. Manufacturing process. Physical properties of key components. Understand cosmetics. #Makeup
Jennifer James Beauty ★ #MUAs - #GraspTheMastery #22: Advanced skills matter even if you don't use them.Study #SFX mu, u'll be a better beauty artist. #Makeup
It is wedding season!
It is wedding season!
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Jennifer James Beauty is now booking in the Greater NYC area.
vm: 929.500.1079 ph: 313.303.8480 | Email: jenniferjamesbeauty@gmail.comPin It Now!
make up artist,
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
I DO MAKEUP... Haute is...Magazine: 1st photo shoot behind the scenes
Friday, May 23, 2014
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
★ NEW! #Headshot #Promote #Marketing #Branding #Beauty
#MakeupMonday #MakeupChat 💋
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Monday, February 4, 2013
•BLACK HISTORY MONTH• ETERNAL - BLACK MAKEUP ARTISTS throughout the modern history of this craft have contributed countless masterpieces to every segment of the industry. Print, television, fashion, film, stage...
I AM BLACK! My love for my industry AS A WHOLE, has caused me to crave all of the knowledge & every detail I am able to adsorb & retain about MAKEUP ART. It is through love that I have sought to know, and know well - as many of my colleagues, pioneers, creators, geniuses and masters of this craft that I deeply & wholly love...MAKEUP.
All of this said to say, IT HURTS when I discover that my colleagues, my fellow beauty professionals of different skin shades and ethnicities DO NOT KNOW OF MAKEUP ARTISTS OF COLOR; whose talent, vision & sheer genius are as much a part of that "whole" that I speak of as every artist that has given to this great body. We feel ignored, IT FEELS RACIST, though I do know that most of my fellow creatives ARE NOT that way - IT STILL FEELS LIKE IT!
INDIFFERENCE feels like purpose & aggression. It is heartbreaking at times.
We are black; we know & embrace all of the intricacies within the Anglo-European beauty realm. We yet honor the mastery that EXCLUDES US (people of color) again & again, in so many ways, in so many areas - still, in 2013.
We are more than worthy; make an effort to GET TO KNOW SOME OF US...this is just a fraction, a snapshot, a glimpse. Our greatness is immense - we know you...GET TO KNOW US!
• Roxanna Floyd • Reggie Wells • Danessa Myricks • Pat McGrath • Valerie Hunt-Darden • Vanessa Evelyn • J.K. Hunter • Bimpe Onakoya • Rudy Miles • Fran Cooper • Sam Fine • Janice Tunnell • Denise Tunnell • Lazarus Jean-Baptiste • Lori Taylor • Byron Barnes • Marietta Carter-Narcisse • Ross Burton • Torrence Forde • Tiffany Marie Scott • Oslyn Holder • Mario Epanya • Nadine Luke • AJ Crimson • Theresa Francine • Derrick Rutledge • DeShawn Hatcher • Merrell Hollis • Cynde Watson • Romero Jennings • Ingrid Grimes-Miles • Valenté Frazier • Terrell Mullin • Lisa Carter-McPhee • Marc Harvey • Robert Greene • Lavette Slater •
...again, just a fraction.
Thank you for stopping by.
I truly appreciate your readership & I value your voice in every conversation. Feel free to comment below or, if you have something you would like to express privately, send an email to jenniferjamesbeauty@gmail.com. :-) Pin It Now!
I AM BLACK! My love for my industry AS A WHOLE, has caused me to crave all of the knowledge & every detail I am able to adsorb & retain about MAKEUP ART. It is through love that I have sought to know, and know well - as many of my colleagues, pioneers, creators, geniuses and masters of this craft that I deeply & wholly love...MAKEUP.
All of this said to say, IT HURTS when I discover that my colleagues, my fellow beauty professionals of different skin shades and ethnicities DO NOT KNOW OF MAKEUP ARTISTS OF COLOR; whose talent, vision & sheer genius are as much a part of that "whole" that I speak of as every artist that has given to this great body. We feel ignored, IT FEELS RACIST, though I do know that most of my fellow creatives ARE NOT that way - IT STILL FEELS LIKE IT!
INDIFFERENCE feels like purpose & aggression. It is heartbreaking at times.
We are black; we know & embrace all of the intricacies within the Anglo-European beauty realm. We yet honor the mastery that EXCLUDES US (people of color) again & again, in so many ways, in so many areas - still, in 2013.
We are more than worthy; make an effort to GET TO KNOW SOME OF US...this is just a fraction, a snapshot, a glimpse. Our greatness is immense - we know you...GET TO KNOW US!
• Roxanna Floyd • Reggie Wells • Danessa Myricks • Pat McGrath • Valerie Hunt-Darden • Vanessa Evelyn • J.K. Hunter • Bimpe Onakoya • Rudy Miles • Fran Cooper • Sam Fine • Janice Tunnell • Denise Tunnell • Lazarus Jean-Baptiste • Lori Taylor • Byron Barnes • Marietta Carter-Narcisse • Ross Burton • Torrence Forde • Tiffany Marie Scott • Oslyn Holder • Mario Epanya • Nadine Luke • AJ Crimson • Theresa Francine • Derrick Rutledge • DeShawn Hatcher • Merrell Hollis • Cynde Watson • Romero Jennings • Ingrid Grimes-Miles • Valenté Frazier • Terrell Mullin • Lisa Carter-McPhee • Marc Harvey • Robert Greene • Lavette Slater •
...again, just a fraction.
Thank you for stopping by.
I truly appreciate your readership & I value your voice in every conversation. Feel free to comment below or, if you have something you would like to express privately, send an email to jenniferjamesbeauty@gmail.com. :-) Pin It Now!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Metro-Detroit BROW BOOT CAMP, Spring 2012
6pm-10pm (8 spaces only per session)
This 4 Hour Hands-On Workshop is for the Make Up Artist who wishes to greatly improve their abilities with brow grooming, shaping & achieving different brow looks/enhancements through the use of color cosmetic products. BROW BOOT CAMP will strongly focus on enhancing individual features through careful evaluation of facial anatomy, assessment of individual facial features, & visually correcting over-groomed brows through precision application of brow waxes/powders/pencils/gels.
This workshop will assure that the artist gets on the road to brilliantly executing beautiful natural & trend eye brow looks for every segment of the industry - whether consumer, bridal, HD media, runway, fashion, editorial or print. Workshop segments include several series of comprehensive exercises to structurally bolster the "brow acumen" of MUAs at every level. Attendees are asked to bring their professional kits, brushes & a model for this intensive environment where the artists will be applying specifics concerning brows in practice.
_4 hours includes catered snack break & one 10-minute break. Class materials provided by Jennifer James Beauty & include: JJB Brow_ Workbook
Read about previous workshops HERE.
Questions? Email: jenjamesbeauty@gmail.com | Call, Text to 929-500-1079
Questions? Email: jenjamesbeauty@gmail.com | Call, Text to 929-500-1079
Thank you for stopping by! *Curtsy*
Friday, January 27, 2012
Are you a new MUA & have questions about what is expected of you on photo shoots? Experience is your best teacher whether it comes through assisting more seasoned artists or doing lots of shooting on your own. There are a lot of details to be mindful of as you pursue building your body of work & portfolio, honing your craft & establishing yourself as a Makeup Artist. Here is a bit of information that may help you along the way.
NUMBER ONE: Upon booking the shoot, establish lines of communication between yourself & EVERY MEMBER OF THE CREATIVE TEAM. You want to have the confidence that you know how to approach the execution of the makeup looks with COMPLETE CLARITY ON THE CREATIVE DIRECTION. Ask questions, ask for images, ask to see the talent, model/models & every person you will be working on. Find out about their skin & hair. Go in with as much information as possible.
---Bookmark images of makeup looks that may go with the direction of the shoot. You want to get a clear picture of the whole creative team's goals.
---Pack: Your own lighting. Oil sheen spray in case the looks call for glistening skin on the face & body. Makeup remover wipes to transition between looks & prep the skin.
---Go over in your head, then write a few notes on the different textures, finishes & over-all features of different styles of makeup. (Beauty, Clean Beauty, Fashion, Pin-Up, Urban, Lingerie, Natural, Nude, Neutral, Monotone, Basic Commercial, Goth, Grunge, Heroin Chic, Avant Garde, Fantasy, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50, 60s, 70s, 80s etc)
---Weigh these points with the contents of your kit. Be ready to expand your product knowledge by using products in multiplicity. (Pencils, pigments as lip color, mixing pigments & loose powders with cream/liq foundation to come up with new textures/colors for highlighting/contouring/cheek colors etc)
---Be clear on how many looks you will be executing so that you can manage your progress. You may decide to transition from one look to another or start from scratch between looks. You want to be able to map that out.
---Find out how much time you may have to execute each look so that you can pace yourself.
---Speak to each person on the creative team. Ask if there are any images that they want you to see. Make sure you are on the same page they are.
---Ask photographer about the specifics of the lighting that you should know. (Intensity, natural, filtered, up, direct, reflected, silhouette etc)
---Be mindful of your pace so that you can allot a few moments to make adjustments on set in actual lighting conditions.
---Ask photographer to let you see frames during the shoot so you can see how your work is coming across.
---Gage progress of the shoot by asking members of the team:
Any adjustments? Softer eyes? More dramatic eyes/lips? Softer/heavier brows? More highlighting? More facial sculpting?
Be confident that you are an equal member of a team, yet RESPECTING THE INHERENT HIERARCHY & go in there positive that you will give your best!
R O C K . I T . O U T!!! :-)
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
Metro-Detroit Makeup Workshops 2012
J E N N I F E R . J A M E S . B E A U T Y presents...
METRO-DETROIT Makeup Workshops 2012
Metropolitan Detroit Beauty Lovers! Grateful for the many requests, Jennifer James Beauty is happy to begin bringing another series of makeup workshops for Every Day Women & the Professional Makeup Artist alike. Classes are always hands on, fun & informative allowing you to advance your makeup prowess for beauty anywhere/anytime, workplace beauty & every special occasion. Makeup Artist Focused classes assure MUAs at every level the opportunity to improve greatly in their craft.
This class series will occur in just over three weeks so act now! Day-Of registration available & an early-bird discount of 20% applies when you register by Friday F E B 3rd 2012 at 1pm EST
*Special Pre-Valentine's Day "I WANT MY EYES LIKE THAT!" on Saturday FEB 11th @ 3pm!*
For the every day beauty junkie:
"I WANT MY EYES LIKE THAT!" ~ SATURDAY F E B 18th 2012 11am-2pm & 3pm-6pm (SOLD OUT)
Makeup Artist Focused Classes:
FASHION MAKEUP FOR RUNWAY & PRINT ~ SUNDAY F E B 19th 2012 9am-2pm (3 spaces left)
This 5-Hour course will explore the techniques, execution & product selection necessary to achieve industry trend, classic & standard make up looks applicable to many fashion media. These exercises will emphasize the importance of skin preparation, perfecting of the complexion, knowledge of sculpting (contour/highlight), precision eye, cheek & lip effects - which are all conducive to a beautiful fashion look. We will also focus on the use of different textures in cosmetic color products (matte, satin, shimmer, creamy, sheer, opaque etc) to achieve the desired result within the direction of the designer's/creative director's/stylist'/photographer's vision. Attendees are asked to bring their collections, kits, brushes & a model for this intensive environment where the artists will be able to apply specific methods like brush techniques in practice.
_5 hours includes one 30 minute catered lunch break & two 10-minute breaks.Class materials provided by Jennifer James Beauty & include: JJB F_MU Workbook, 1 Professional Brush Set/Make Up Kit, value $75
BROW BOOT CAMP ~ SUNDAY F E B 19th 2012 3pm-7pm (4 spaces left)
This 4-Hour session is for the Make Up Artist who wishes to greatly improve their abilities with brow grooming, shaping & achieving different brow looks/enhancements with color. Brow Boot Camp will strongly focus on enhancing individual features, correcting over-groomed brows, precision application of brow waxes/powders/pencils/gels. This segment assures that the artist brilliantly executes beautiful eye brow looks for every segment of the industry; whether it be consumer, bridal, HD TV, or fashion/editorial. Attendees are asked to bring their collections, kits, brushes & a model for this intensive environment where the artists will be able to apply specifics concerning brows in practice.
_3 hours includes catered snack break & one 10-minute break. Class materials provided by Jennifer James Beauty & include: JJB Brow_ Workbook
PROM, BRIDAL & RED CARPET BEAUTY ~ MONDAY F E B 20th 2012 5pm-10pm (3 spaces left)
This 5-Hour course will explore techniques, execution & product application necessary to achieve beauty make up looks for all special occasions. Artists will be more able to provide better than satisfactory results through careful evaluation of the client's needs & desires. The session will be a hands-on exploration into wearable, real world, gorgeous make up that is focused on enhancing the individual. The make up applications that will be covered will hone the artists' skill set, allowing the artists to expand their client base exponentially...prom & bridal seasons are just weeks away! Our
concentration will be towards beautiful, glowing skin, attention to exquisite brow shaping & enhancement - and of course very glamorous eye, cheek & lip looks. They range from very soft to intense; the use of different make up formulas/textures/colors & the application of lashes are featured. The techniques applied to this medium are basic, yet we will go beyond that with exceptional artistry & customer service. Here, our goal is clean, beautiful make up. Attendees are asked to bring their collections, kits, brushes & a model for this intensive environment where the artists will be able to apply these specifics for this very specialized client.
_5 hours includes one 30 minute catered lunch break & two 10-minute breaks.Class materials provided by Jennifer James Beauty & include: JJB P_B_R Workbook, 1 Professional Brush Set/Make Up Kit, value $75
Questions? Email: jenjamesbeauty@gmail.com | Call 929.500.1079 for classes in your area.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Jennifer James Beauty is proud to announce the launch of the ✔BEAUTY BRAND BIZ BLOG!
The BEAUTY BRAND BIZ Blog will officially launch on January 11, 2012. Join ✔BEAUTY BRAND BIZ at
The Beauty Professionals guide to navigating our industry with a focus on Social Media! What to status? How to tweet? ✔Beauty Brand BIZ has the keys!
Below you will find a preview in the form of a Tweet stream which will detail what ✔BEAUTY BRAND BIZ is all about! Enjoy!
The Beauty Professionals guide to navigating our industry with a focus on Social Media! What to status? How to tweet? ✔Beauty Brand BIZ has the keys!
Below you will find a preview in the form of a Tweet stream which will detail what ✔BEAUTY BRAND BIZ is all about! Enjoy!

BEAUTY PROS! ✔ #BeautyBrandBIZsays: 5) Plan quarterly events to highlight your services. #Beauty #Branding #Makeup #MakeupMonday #MakeupChat

BEAUTY PROS! ✔ #BeautyBrandBIZsays: 4) Make a habit of daily organization of contacts. #Beauty #Branding #Makeup #MakeupMonday #MakeupChat

BEAUTY PROS! ✔ #BeautyBrandBIZsays: 3) Promote & engage your network via #SocialMedia. #Beauty #Branding #Makeup #MakeupMonday #MakeupChat

BEAUTY PROS! ✔ #BeautyBrandBIZsays: 2) 15 (minimum) follow-up phone calls & emails. #Beauty #Branding #Makeup #MakeupMonday #MakeupChat

BEAUTY PROS! ✔ #BeautyBrandBIZsays: 1) Contact potential new clients via phone. #Beauty #Branding #Makeup #MakeupMonday #MakeupChat

BEAUTY PROS! ✔ #BeautyBrandBIZsays: Do 5 things 4 your #business EVERY SINGLE DAY! #Beauty #Branding #Makeup #MakeupMonday #MakeupChat 1)...
Mean while, follow ✔BEAUTY BRAND BIZ in Twitter HERE.
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